Mrs. Christina Stefan, PhD. Eng.
  • PhD. Engineer (Doctor's Degree in Industrial Engineering)
  • Trainer adult education
  • Expert evaluator Horison 2020, European Commission: Fast trach of Innovation Action; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Innovation in Small and Medium Sizes Enterprizes; Small and Medium Sizes Enterprizes Instrument. 
  • Expert evaluator Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), European Commission
  • External Assessor European Platform (Dutch National Agency) for Comenius, Grundtvig and Erasmus sectorial programmes included in The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013
  • External Assessor Flemish National Agency (Belgium) for Erasmus sectorial programme included in The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013
  • External assessor Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, European Commission for The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 (sectorial programmes and transversal programme)
  • Expert Leonardo da Vinci Programme
  • Former Study Visit National Coordinator for decision makers in the field of education and for VET specialists
  • Author of more than 40 publications in the area of education and engineering, including handbooks for pre-universitary education, guides for teachers, handbooks and laboratory guides for mechatronics, scientific articles, books and reseraches etc.
  • Author of publications in the area of European projects:
    • eBook "Comparison of business policies in VET in EU countries and adaptation of good practices at VET schools and VET providers
    • Guidelines "Supporting placement companies in European training"
    • Guidelines "How to use non-formal methods of teaching in the formal education
Mr. Tim Stefan, MSc. Eng.
  • Master in Sciences and University degree in Engineering
  • Coordinator of the Erasmus +. KA1 and KA2 projects for general education, adult education  and Vocational Education and Training
  • Author of publications in the area of European projects:
    • eBook "Comparison of business policies in VET in EU countries and adaptation of good practices at VET schools and VET providers
    • Guidelines "Supporting placement companies in European training"
    • Guidelines "How to use non-formal methods of teaching in the formal education
  • Author of researches in the area of engineering
  • Former project officer for the Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project "Professional Center for Training in Modern Production"