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Cities by heart, a unique journey in the heart of cities

Reference number:2019-1-FR01-KA204-062217

Project file

Project type: Erasmus +.KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education

Title: Cities by heart, a unique journey in the heart of cities


Reference number: 2019-1-FR-KA204-062217

Partner countries:  Netherlands, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Austria

Duration:   2 years (2019-2021)


The Erasmus+. KA2 Strategic Partnership project for Adult Education “CITIES BY HEART” is structured on two main phases:

  • a peer training phase that will involve youth workers, stakeholders of the multicultural and disadvantaged territories, associations or social centres managers;
  • a skill transfer phase to the young disadvantaged European citizens having a migratory personal path and facing integration issues in the labour market.

Main aim:

  • to promote a type of “zero kilometre” tourism.

Specific objectives:

  • to create links between the residents of urban areas in order to avoid community conflicts;
  • to initiate dynamical economics to respond to the precarity of the disadvantaged neighbourhoods residents.

Target groups:

  • adult people with migrant background (either newly arrived or settled in the neighbourhood several generations ago);
  • inhabitants of disadvantaged territories;
  • international tourists in search of new types of tours, closer to the population, to valorise the past and present Europe under the perspective of cultural diversity resulting from the migration;
  • economic stakeholders of the urban areas with a strong cultural diversity: restaurant owners, traders, “hosts” inhabitants, etc., to whom which visits during the tours.



  • Kick-off meeting, 3rd to 4th of December 2019, Bastia, Corsica (France);

  • Transnational meeting, 23rd to 24th of April 2020, Assen (Netherlands) – cancelled due to Covid-19;

  1. Practical and methodological manual for prospecting and mobilizing participants
  2. Training content - Implementation of a manual for the "intercultural guide" available online
  3. Mapping of urban routes and excursion programs
  4. Online resource centre and networking (CITIES BY HEART e-CENTER)
  5. Creation of pilot courses on several levels of action

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