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Interdisciplinary use of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for teaching non-STEM subjects in compulsory education

Reference number: 2020-1-FR01-KA201-080015

Project file

Project type: Erasmus +.KA2 Strategic Partnership for School Education

Title: Interdisciplinary use of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for teaching non-STEM subjects in compulsory education

Acronym: InterSTEM

Reference number: 2020-1-FR01-KA201-080015

Partner countries:  Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, Romania

Duration:   2 years (2020-2022)

The Erasmus +. KA2 Strategic partnership for School Education “InterSTEM - Interdisciplinary use of Science, Technology, Engineeting and Mathematics fo teaching non-STEM subjects in compulsory education”project runs from 1st of September 2020 to 31st of August 2022 with the main focus on the use of digital technologies, interdisciplinary teaching methods, gamification and STEM.

The InterSTEM project starts from the experience and expertise of Quarter Mediation in the creative use of interdisciplinary teaching methods, storytelling, serious games, science and technology. The project consortium is made up of 5 organisations representing 5 different partner countries. Partners have been chosen on the basis of their expertise in different disciplines to ensure that all the skills and insights necessary for a successful project are present within the consortium. 

Main aims:

  • To develop innovative didactic strategies and creative resources for teaching and learning non-STEM subjects in a more motivating way in compulsory education;
  • To build educators’ awareness on the advantages of using combined interdisciplinary teaching methods, storytelling and STEM in teaching non-STEM subjects in compulsory education;
  • To empower non-STEM teachers with the necessary soft skills to support students’ self-regulated learning, digital competence and autonomy in learning.

Impact and transferability:

It is expected that the Intellectual Outputs created during the two years project will have a significant impact on the teachers of non-STEM subjects and their students, as well as on teachers of other subjects involved in compulsory education at all levels. Moreover, they have a big transferability potential, as they will allow teachers to choose different levels of the lesson-game, depending on the students' level of education and the lesson-games will be available in 5 languages. Furthermore, the InterSTEM serious game will be optimized for mobile access and will function equally well on desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Target groups:

  • non-STEM teachers involved in compulsory education;
  • teachers of all subjects and educational staff from all compulsory education levels (e.g. primary, secondary and VET);
  • students in compulsory education.


Five transnational project meetings were planned in the project. Nevertheless, due to COVID-19 related restrictions in Europe. the partners agreed to organise several online meetings until the travel restrictions will be lifted. In this way the project activities can go on as planned and the project timeline can be kept.

IO1: European inventory of teaching methods based on storytelling and of gamification technics, interdisciplinary teaching methods and STEM  tools used in compulsory education
IO2: Methodology outline for the teaching process of non-STEM subjects in compulsory education
IO3: InterSTEM serious game
IO4: Tutorial on the InterSTEM serious game

IO5: Guidelines and recommendations

The InterSTEM project is disseminated via different channels:

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