Partner Organisations

Project file

The objectives and activities of the project CO-BUS-VET address the teachers & students of economical subjects in VET schools and trainers & trainees from VET providers. The learners from VET schools and EU labour market will develop an entrepreneurial attitude and way of thinking, which will allow them to find easier a place on the labour market (e.g. by starting their own business).

The project intends to create and improve the entrepreneurial competencies of the staff in VET organizations involved in the project, to realize an exchange of good practices and to innovate the traditional entrepreneurial education, by making it more creative, transforming the business information in a didactic method itself, integrated in the curriculum.

In this respect, the project will encourage learners to actively use ICT to understand how an enterprise works.

The partnership will use presentations, debates, workshops and exchanges of good practices in business teaching, within VET education.

The project outcomes are: project section on Quarter Mediation WEB SITE; project LOGO; e-NEWSLETTERS; MULTILINGUAL BUSINESS GLOSSARY; EXHIBITION with the poster proposals; GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLES OF BUSINESS TEACHING&TRAINING METHODS. Business games reports for the workshops piloted in the project life with the representatives of the partner organizations; HOW TO SET UP A BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRIES INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT; HOW TO REALIZE A BUSINESS PLAN; GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLES: Entrepreneurship from the idea and a virtual business to the real life experience. Video examples from start-ups and experienced entrepreneurs; DIGITAL BOOKLET: Comparative studies and best practices "Link school - labour market" based on the needs of business education in the European partner countries; Project POSTER; eBOOK WITH ISBN "Comparison of business policies in vocational education and training in EU countries and adaptation of good practices at VET schools and VET providers"; project leaflet.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, Leonardo da Vinci sectorial Programme.