Promoting the Transition to Active Life through Gamification and Game-Based Learning
Project file
Project type: Erasmus +. KA2 Cooperation Partnership in Adult Education
Title: Promoting the Transition to Active Life through Gamification and Game-Based Learning
Acronym: Skills4Life
Reference number: 2022-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000086937
Partner countries: Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, France, Poland
Duration: 2 years (2022-2024)
Main aim:
- To support care leavers to improve their preparedness to face the transition to adulthood, leveraging their competencies and helping them to develop and practice the necessary skills to feel prepared, integrated and accompanied.
- Young people leaving care are known to be disadvantaged, compared to their peers not in care. They struggle to cope with the difficulties and this can eventually lead to social exclusion, long term unemployment or involvement in risky behaviours.
Four transnational project meetings were planned to be organised in the project, as the following:
- Kick-off meeting in Germany
- Transnational project meeting in Poland
- Transnational project meeting in Ireland
- Transnational project meeting in Austria
WP1: SKILLS4LIFE Serious Game design, development and validation
WP2: SKILLS4LIFE Training Package for Adult Educators
WP3: SKILLS4LIFE Community Engagement and Outreach
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